Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Flu Bug!

Dear Flu - Please go away!  NOW!  You are not wanted here!!!  Jake & Cash

For some reason the twins have been hit with almost every virus under the sun in their short 8 months of life! My guess is that a sweet big brother unknowingly brings home germs from school and then passes it on to them.  Mason was sick last week with an upper respiratory infection, high fever, runny nose, coughing, etc.  Then the next evening, Cash starting running a high fever, so I immediately made an appointment for the following day.  When Cash woke up from his morning nap, he was nearly lifeless, burning up with a 103 fever and glassy-eyed.  All you moms out there know what a miserable feeling it is when you cannot help your child, especially little ones such Cash & Jake.  When we arrived at the doctor she knew immediately that Cash had the flu, so she did the swab test and sure enough it was positive!  Jake started off looking ok, but by the end of the appointment he was running a high temp and his nose started to run as well.  Sure enough - flu for baby Jake too :(  We started the boys on Tamiflu, and of course Jake had a bad reaction as the medication caused him abdominal cramping :(  Cash responded well to the meds and is starting to improve.  We had to take Jake off due to his reaction and because he now has an ear infection and an upper respiratory infection as well.  More antibiotics for Jake and lots of Tylenol and Motrin.  Needless to say, it's not a lot of fun here at the Daniel Casa.  But we are on Day 6 of our illnesses, so hopefully things will start to improve soon!

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