Thursday, January 5, 2012

Mason's First Day of School

Mason started school on Monday, January 3rd at the Collegiate American School (CAS).  They wear uniforms, which is either a red, navy or yellow polo with khaki shorts/pants.  And they have a separate PE uniform of a white polo and navy shorts, which they wear twice a week.  We are still getting used to the idea that our school week is Sunday through Thursday.  Mason caught on very quickly back home to the concept of "Fridays" but now we celebrate "Thursdays" here!  "Yeah, it's Thursday" just doesn't have quite the same ring to it though.

Our first couple of days were a little rocky, we ended the week on a good note :)  He keeps talking about how his school and teacher back home are "much cooler" but this class will be fine for a few more months.  Even though it's an American school, there are very few Americans actually enrolled.  Mason has 15 kids in his class and only 3 are from the US, 3 are from Canada, and the others from Dubai, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Turkey and Sweden.  Quite the diverse class but what a great experience for Mason.  His teacher told me the other day they were discussing where everyone was from, and Mason told them he was from a town called Fairfield.  However, none of the kids knew what a "town" was.  Even the other American kids, who are from the North East, weren't familiar with the term town as they live in cities - ha, ha!

Mason's first day of school at CAS


  1. He looks like he is getting into the spirit of cute... and little brothers looking on...

  2. Uniforms Dubai
    :-we are happy to read your post , its a very nice and more informative...


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