The boys stay pretty busy with school and baseball, mom stays really busy shuttling them to and from everywhere and dad is keeping very busy this year with all of the horses...but we've managed to have some fun in our spare time!
Jake and Cash had fun ice skating
Mason did great too! This was his second time since we've been here, so he really had it down!
Boys were skating on their own by the end!
Momma and her boys (minus Cash..he was too busy to slow down for a pic!)
The boys play a lot of hover board ball! (baseball, dodgeball, basketball, etc)
Cash wanted to take his photo with Steph Curry at the new Dubai Under Armour store.
The boys also enjoy playing dress up and having dance party at Shyla's house (no words for Mr. Cool Cash!) lol!

Enjoying the beautiful views from Caroline and Bhupat's balcony

Laser light show from the Burj Khalifa

Night time view from our hotel
Enjoying the beautiful views from Caroline and Bhupat's balcony

Laser light show from the Burj Khalifa

Night time view from our hotel
We had to visit The Cereal Killer Cafe, where the kids could choose any 2 kinds of cereal and 2 kinds of toppings. Cash had Reece's Puffs and Fruit Loops topped with Oreo's and a cookie. Jake opted for Cookie Crisp and Apple Jax topped with Oreo's and marshmellos! Yum!
A little rain can cause a lot of flooding!
Cash and some his favorite Pokemon cards (enter a big "sigh" from mom!)
Jake was selected to care for the class mascot, Lucy the Leopard.
Jake and Cash built her a fort and gave her food and water :)
Lucy and the boys on their way to school
Mason's working hard on his baseball tan, which is easy to do when he spends 6-8 hours at the field over the weekends!! He has two team practices and one private lesson on Fridays, and then he plays his games and umpires another 2-3 games on Saturdays!
Jake lost two of his bottom teeth here!
The twins started kickboxing and Mason is back to boxing!! Watch Out World!
Us adults even manage to find some fun! Out celebrating Bhupat's birthday!