Their personalities continue to vary as much as their looks do! Jake is silly and loves to make people laugh. He uses a special deep voice when playing and throwing the ball! Jake likes to shout "down set hut" then runs fast with the ball. He loves to tackle, throws EVERYTHING and has a wicked side arm. He will wind up when giving a high-five, so watch out! Jake is also a Momma's boy, is very shy in big groups and it takes him a while to warm-up to new people. Jake tends to be more cautious than Cash, but he is a very good climber! He is also my big talker and does a lot of repeating. Some of his favorite words are: Momma, Dadda, "Dash" (Cash), "May-May" (Mason), more, thank you, no-no, down, bye bye, night night, and calls his friends Liam and Shyla (Eeemmm and Lyla). Jake does not like to get dirty and says "Ewww" whenever he gets into sand or dirt! Jake plays really well with the other kids and is a super sweet boy!
Cash on the other hand is my wild child! He's got several nicknames: Crazy Cash, Crash, Casharoo and Jake calls him Dash. He loves to climb and jump off of anything and everything. This kid is tough as nails! He's always trying new stunts, and I have a feeling we'll be making numerous trips to the ER for various broken bones. He can also be very sweet and wins the hearts of everyone! He was the first to give kisses and hugs but it's always on his terms ;) He has no problem in large groups and takes off the second we reach the park. But for a kid that is super tough, he's got super sensitive skin and something here in Dubai really aggravates his skin. We've been to the doctor several times for his eczema, hives and allergies! He also got Hand-Foot-Mouth when we first got here, but it did not slow him down much. He loves to terrorize Jake, take his toys away and wrestle with Mason. Cash is just a cool kid!
Play time at Mason's school playground. Mason and his friends play here at least twice a week after school, and the twins have just as much fun playing too!
Ewww, I don't like Cheetos on my hands!
More Cheetos please!!
Boys hanging out before bedtime!
Don't speak or look at me while I'm in time-out!!
Chicken and rice sure was yummy!
We just discovered the Teletubbies! It's odd and good at the same time :)