Jake and Cash recently turned 8 months and what an amazing 8 months it's been so far! For some reason, I've been counting their age in weeks, so I thought they were closer to 9 months, but they actually just turned 8 months one week ago. It's been so much fun watching them grow and reach the various milestones. Jake continues to weigh in around 1 pound more than Cash, and they are around 17.5 lbs and 16.5 lbs. Jake still takes the pacifier while Cash has never had any interest in one...until recently. Now he is obsessed with taking the pacifier away from Jake and then will flaunt it and wave it around in his face! Cash has no interest in actually using the pacifier as it's intended but will chew on the plastic part from time to time.
Cash is my pistol and definitely knows what he wants, which is usually whatever Jake has! He is very determined, and I love when he gets "that look" in his eyes like he'll stop at nothing to get what he wants! He's been crawling for almost a month, sits up on his own and is now pulling up on anything that stays put long enough! He attempts to let go as if he could actually stand on his own, so he tends to fall a lot too. Cash now has 6 teeth, 3 on the top and 3 along the bottom with one more on the way. They seem to appear overnight with maybe a day or two of fussing. He does a lot of babble and a lot of his talk sounds like "dada!"
Jake is my happy-go-lucky baby, and he is always laughing, squealing and talking. He says a lot of "dada" and "mama" and I can't wait to see what he calls Mason; probably May-May. He loves to play with Mason and laughs at anything and everything Mason does or says! Jake is also crawling, sitting on his own and is now pulling up to his knees. He just started doing the one-handed clap and will sometimes wave bye-bye. Jake still has no teeth and continues to drool through 5-10 bibs a day! I keep thinking he's teething and should get some any day now, but the pediatrician told us last week that it doesn't look like they are coming any time soon!
Here are a lot of pictures of the boys over the last month:
Cash checking out Mason's box of toys (7 1/2 months)
Cash venturing out into the dining room (7 1/2 months)
Cash & GranBobs (7 1/2 months)
Daddy and his boys (7 1/2 months)
Baby Jake & Baby Cash sitting at 7 1/2 months
Sitting not-so-well - oops!

Jake with Daddy's hat on (7 1/2 months)
Cash & Jake playing the piano (7 1/2 months)
Jake says let's go swimming! (8 months)
Cash enjoying the pool! (8 months)